Popular Questions Sleep Tips & Techniques

Tips for Helping a Colicky Baby Sleep

how to make colic baby sleep?


Colic can make it challenging for both babies and parents to get the sleep they need. The persistent crying and discomfort can disrupt a baby’s sleep routine. However, there are strategies you can implement to help your colicky baby sleep better. In this article, we will explore effective tips to soothe and promote sleep in a colicky baby.

1. Establish a Calming Bedtime Routine

Creating a consistent and calming bedtime routine can help signal to your colicky baby that it’s time to sleep. Consider the following steps:

Dim the Lights

Dimming the lights in the room can create a soothing atmosphere and help your baby relax. Use a nightlight or choose low-wattage bulbs to provide a soft, gentle glow.

Gentle Massage

A gentle massage can help relax your colicky baby and alleviate discomfort. Use baby-safe oil or lotion and massage their back, tummy, and limbs using gentle strokes. Pay attention to their cues and adjust your pressure accordingly.

Warm Bath

A warm bath before bedtime can have a calming effect on your baby. Ensure the water is at a comfortable temperature and gently bathe them, using baby-friendly soap or cleansers. This can help relax their muscles and prepare them for sleep.

Quiet and Soothing Activities

Engage in quiet and soothing activities with your baby, such as reading a soft book or singing lullabies. Avoid stimulating toys or activities that may overexcite your baby before bedtime.

2. Try Soothing Techniques

Implementing soothing techniques can help ease the discomfort and crying associated with colic, allowing your baby to sleep more peacefully. Consider the following strategies:


Swaddling can provide a sense of security and comfort for your baby. Use a lightweight and breathable swaddle blanket to wrap them snugly, ensuring their hips and legs have enough room to move.

White Noise

White noise, such as the sound of a gentle fan or a specially designed white noise machine, can help drown out external noises and create a soothing environment for your baby. The consistent noise can also mimic the sounds they heard in the womb.


Using a baby carrier or sling can provide a comforting and soothing experience for your colicky baby. The close physical contact and gentle movements can help calm them down and promote sleep. Ensure that the carrier is used safely and securely.

3. Experiment with Feeding Techniques

Colic can be associated with feeding issues, and adjusting feeding techniques may help alleviate symptoms and promote better sleep. Consider the following:


Frequent burping during and after feedings can help reduce gas and discomfort in your baby’s tummy. Gently pat or rub their back to encourage burping.

Smaller, Frequent Feedings

Instead of larger feedings, try offering smaller amounts of milk or formula more frequently. This approach can help prevent overfeeding and reduce the likelihood of digestive issues that may contribute to colic.

4. Seek Support and Consult with a Pediatrician

It’s important to seek support and consult with a pediatrician if your baby’s colic persists or if you have concerns about their well-being. A pediatrician can provide guidance, rule out any underlying issues, and offer personalized strategies to help your colicky baby sleep better.


Helping a colicky baby sleep can be challenging, but by establishing a calming bedtime routine, trying soothing techniques, experimenting with feeding techniques, and seeking support from a pediatrician, you can create a more peaceful sleep environment for your little one.


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